Raspberry Jubes




550g (1 lb 4 oz) caster (superfine) sugar, plus extra for rolling

15g (1/2 oz) pectin

15g (1/2 oz) citric acid

300g (101/2 oz) seedless fruit purée

75g (21/2 oz) apricot jam

juice of 1 lemon

1 vanilla pod, seeds scraped

75g (21/2 oz) liquid glucose


Line the base of a 34 x 24 x 3.5 cm (131/2 x 91/2 x11/4 inch) tray with baking paper.

Put 50 g (13/4 oz) of the caster sugar in a bowl. Stir in the pectin and citric acid.

In a saucepan, bring the fruit purée, jam, lemon juice and vanilla seeds to the boil. Stir in the pectin mixture and bring back to the boil. Remove from the heat and set aside.
Put the remaining 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) caster sugar in a heavy-based saucepan. Add the glucose and 80 ml (21/2 fl oz) water and bring to the boil. Continue boiling until the mixture reaches a temperature of 121ºC (250ºF) on a sugar thermometer.

Add the reserved fruit mixture and whisk to combine. Continue cooking until the temperature reaches 108ºC (227ºF), then pour into the prepared tray. Leave at room temperature for 5 hours to set.

When set, cut into your desired shapes — we cut our jubes into 2 cm (3/4 inch) cubes — then roll in extra caster sugar.


Store your jubes in an airtight container at room temperature; they will keep for up to 2 weeks.